
The relevance of the research topic is due to the existing problems of the implementation of methodological recommendations in the practice of investigating crimes against property. The article examines the theoretical basis for the construction of private methods for investigating various forms of theft (theft, robbery, extortion and fraud), which is traditionally their forensic characteristics. The elaboration of the investigation methodology based on the forensic characteristics does not contribute to the disclosure of the content of the material elements of the structure of the theft committed during its investigation. This allowed the author to draw a conclusion about the insufficient completeness of the forensic presentation of these crimes. The dominance of criminal law and criminological knowledge about a crime, contained in their criminalistic characteristics, is not a correct approach from the standpoint of reflecting the realities of criminal acts. The forensic characteristics of the types of theft under consideration, in the Author’s opinion, should be based on knowledge about the general elements of their material structure. In the future, information about the elements of the material structure as a result of the description of their features should form one of the main parts of the forensic characteristics of the crime. Knowledge of the elements of the material structure of a crime, combined with their forensic characteristics, creates a solid forensic basis for building private methods for investigating thefts committed by theft, robbery, extortion or fraud. Among the common elements in the structure of the crimes under consideration, the author singled out the subject of the crime, the object and subject of the criminal encroachment. When describing these elements, it is proposed to take into account their reflective features in the context of the implementation of typical methods of committing the analyzed crimes. It is also necessary to use the information contained in their forensic characteristics. The Author concluded that the information models of criminal acts that combine information about the elements of their material structure and data on the criminalistic characteristics of these crimes look the most rational. In the practice of investigating crimes, knowledge of the common elements of their material structure makes it possible to identify the presence (absence) of significant information on each of its elements. Correlation of the available information about these elements with their description in the forensic characteristics of the crime allows you to choose the direction of the investigation, put forward the appropriate versions and determine the set of tactical means necessary to verify them.


  • Все методики расследования указанных преступлений сформированы на основе их криминалистических характеристик, которые рассмат­ риваются в качестве информационных моделей преступных деяний

  • The relevance of the research topic is due to the existing problems of the implementation

  • The elaboration of the investigation methodology based on the forensic characteristics does not contribute to the disclosure

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Все методики расследования указанных преступлений сформированы на основе их криминалистических характеристик, которые рассмат­ риваются в качестве информационных моделей преступных деяний. Для формирования методик расследования рассматриваемых форм хищений имеют значение данные об их уголовно-правовом составе, а равно положения криминалистической характеристики и, в особенности, сведения о способе совершения преступления. Средство совершения преступления – возможный элемент в структуре рассматриваемых преступлений. С точки зрения криминалистики, для характеристики субъекта совершения указанных деяний большее значение имеет информация о его возможности формировать следовую картину преступления.

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