
The urgency of the research is determined by the real needs of modern society in the preparation of a new type of teachers who can professionally and personally realize the education. The purpose of the article is to analyze the intrinsic characteristics of the pedagogical culture of the high school teacher. The solution of the set goal is possible by means of the observation method and analyzes of the psychological and pedagogical literature on the mentioned problem, which allow to distinguish the key factors that negatively affect the authority of the teacher among the students. The questionnaires and pedagogical conversations with students made it possible to determine the qualities of an ideal teacher. The humanistic qualities of the ideal teacher’s assessment clearly prevail over the professional ones, which show the enormous need of the modern student in the emotional and spiritual contact of the teacher and student – tutor and student. The study of the teacher phenomenon allows to argue that at moments of spiritual crises, soul searching, personal and professional formation, when young people want to be clear on the question of where to go, there must be people who, in their individual lives, most clearly and fully fulfill and promote the public generally significant intellectual values, acting at the same time as examples of a decent life and forming its spiritual face.The research determines the common, universal characteristics of the high school teacher. The main results of the research confirm the importance of a highly educated pedagogical culture of a university teacher, which allows the person to self-actualize in the culture and life, to find personal meanings in education. A modern contemporary high school teacher is characterized as a bright, original, creative, charismatic personality, able to experience the problems and contradictions of life. Taking into account the key role of the teacher in the process of reforming the education system of Ukraine, further research is planned to focus on the determinants of professional and personal development of a high school teacher.

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