
To inquire into whether two enantiomers can be absolutely distinguished on the sole basis of their different degrees of orientational ordering when dissolved in a chiral nematic liquid crystal, several enantiomeric pairs of hard helical particles are dissolved in a cholesteric (nematic) liquid crystal made of slender hard helical particles as well as in a screwlike nematic liquid crystal made of tortuous hard helical particles. While in the former ordinary chiral nematic solvent their nematic order parameters are (almost) coincident, in the latter new chiral nematic solvent the two enantiomeric solutes not only usually have more appreciably different nematic order parameters, but also always have significantly different screwlike order parameters. If also the latter orientational order parameter could be measurable in real experiments, it would constitute an additional decisive piece of information on the way to absolutely distinguishing two enantiomers on the sole basis of their different degrees of orientational order when dissolved in a chiral nematic liquid crystal that is in the apter screwlike nematic phase. Even in that event, however, the general absence of regularity and systematicity in the trend of the orientational order parameters, already manifest in these elementary hard helical-particle binary systems, would make this coveted achievement experimentally arduous without the assistance of very accurate and precise theoretical calculations.

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