
Chevallier–Polarski–Linder (CPL) parametrization for the equation of state (EoS) of dark energy in terms of cosmic redshift or scale factor have been frequently studied in the literature. In this study, we consider cosmic time-based CPL parametrization for the EoS parameter of the effective cosmic fluid that fills the fabric of spatially flat and homogeneous Robertson–Walker (RW) spacetime in General Relativity. The model exhibits two worthy features: (i) It fits the observational data from the latest H(z) and Union 2.1 SN Ia compilations matching the success of ΛCDM model. (ii) It describes the evolution of the Universe from the matter-dominated phase to the recent accelerating phase similar to the ΛCDM model but leads to Big Rip end of the Universe contrary to the everlasting de Sitter expansion in the ΛCDM model. We investigate the matter and dark energy sources in the model, in particular, behavior of the dynamical dark energy responsible for the Big Rip end of Universe.

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