
Realistic superstring models generically give rise to exotic matter states, which arise due to the “Wilson-line” breaking of the non-Abelian unifying gauge symmetry. Often such states are protected by a gauge or local discrete symmetry and therefore may be stable or meta-stable. We study the possibility of a flux of high energy neutrinos coming from the sun and the earth due to the annihilation of such exotic string states. We also discuss the expected flux for other heavy stable particles – like the gluino LSP. We comment that the detection of ultra-energetic neutrinos from the sun and the earth imposes model independent constraints on the high energy cutoff, as for example in the recently entertained TeV scale Kaluza–Klein theories. We therefore propose that improved experimental resolution of the energy of the muons in neutrino detectors together with their correlation with neutrinos from the sun and the center of the earth will serve as a probe of the desert in Gravity Unified Theories.

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