
The duplex formed by annealing the formacetal backbone modified dodecamer d-(CGCGTTOCH2OTTGCGC) to its complementary strand, d(GCGCAAAACGCG) (duplex I), has been studied by NMR techniques and analyzed with reference to its unmodified counterpart (duplex II). Comparison of parameters such as 2D cross-peak intensities, coupling constants, and spectral patterns indicates that structural perturbations caused by the incorporation of the formacetal linkage are minimal and localized to the central T4.A4 block. Duplex I adopts a B-type helical conformation with regular Watson-Crick base pairing and normal minor groove width. The methylene group is accommodated along the phosphate backbone in a conformation similar to that of the PO2 group found in the B-form DNA family. The central T6-T7 base pairs of duplex I melt simultaneously with the duplex, indicating a cooperative transition to single strands. Although the formacetal linkage affects global melting, as evidenced by a 3 degree C reduction in Tm for duplex I with respect to duplex II, the present study indicates that this is not the result of localized premelting at the formacetal site of duplex I but rather reflects the subtle interplay of several structural and energy factors which need to be further explored.

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