
The experimental control and observation of systems has become a reality with the advent of ultracold matter. The high level of isolation of these experiments, together with the development of novel measurement techniques, has revived a fundamental debate concerning the thermal equilibration of isolated systems, commonly named quantum In this thesis we make use of a quantum-gas microscope to explore the thermalizing dynamics of highly isolated systems of ultracold bosonic atoms in optical lattices. The ability to prepare and control systems made up of hundreds of atoms makes it possible to explore regimes that represent a challenge for classical numeric simulations. A major part of this dissertation deals with Bose-Hubbard systems in the presence of quenched disorder. We begin by studying the microscopic properties of its phases near equilibrium, where by tuning the strength of the disorder, observe features consistent with the emergence of a so-called Bose-glass phase. We then continue by preparing states far from equilibrium and exploring their dynamics. In particular, we observe signatures of the phenomenon of many-body localization, which implies a breakdown of thermalization. In addition, we study whether localized systems can be thermalized via the coupling to a bath of few degrees of freedom, i.e. a bath. We do so by preparing a mixture of two interacting atomic species, where one acts as the bath and the other as the localized system. We do observe delocalizing dynamics for large enough baths, though in regimes of weak coupling localization can survive for extremely long times. The second main topic of this thesis is the thermalization of periodically driven systems, so-called Floquet thermalization. In these systems, the absence of energy conservation eventually brings any initial state into a featureless infinite-temperature one. However, for sufficiently high frequencies this thermalization process can take arbitrarily long times, which can enable the engineering of exotic long-lived prethermal states. We use the high isolation of our system, together with the high sensitivity of quantum-gas microscopy, to measure the heating rates for a range of driving frequencies and interaction regimes. Our results show a dramatic suppression of the heating as the frequency of the drive is increased, which is consistent with theoretical expectations.

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