
Cascade decays of Supersymmetric (SUSY) particles are likely to be prolific sources of Higgs bosons at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). In this work, we explore, with the help of detailed simulation, the role of non-universal gaugino masses in the production of the Higgs bosons under SUSY cascades. The analysis is carried out by choosing an appropriate set of benchmark points with non-universal gaugino masses in the relevant SUSY parameter space and then contrasting the resulting observations with the corresponding cases having universal relationship among the same. It is shown that even of data at an early phase of the LHC-run with 10 fb−1 one would be able to see, under favourable situations, the imprint of non-universal gaugino masses by reconstructing various Higgs boson resonances and comparing their rates. With increased accumulated luminosities, the indications would naturally become distinct over a larger region of the parameter space.

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