Probing Local Backbone Geometries in Intrinsically Disordered Proteins by Cross-Correlated NMR Relaxation.
Proteins that lack stable tertiary structures are attracting growing interest because of their involvement in fundamental biological processes.[1]
Intraresidue 1H(i)–15N(i)–13C’(i) dipolar–CSA interference was proposed to determine the orientation of the 1H(i)–15N(i) dipole vector in the principal frame of the intraresidue 13C’(i) CSA tensor and discriminate between type I and type II b turns in proteins.[10]
Applications of multidimensional NMR spectroscopy to intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) are challenging because of the limited signal dispersion owing to the lack of stably formed tertiary structures
Proteins that lack stable tertiary structures are attracting growing interest because of their involvement in fundamental biological processes.[1]. Cross-correlated NMR relaxation (CCR) has attracted considerable interest in the past as it offers unique possibilities to probe structural dynamics in proteins.[9] The method is based on correlated fluctuations of relaxation relevant interaction tensors (for example, dipole–dipole interactions, chemical shift anisotropy (CSA), and quadrupolar interactions).
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