
It is well known that flat FRW metric is a special case of Bianchi type I spacetime. In this paper, we use 38 Hubble parameter, $H(z)$, measurements at intermediate redshifts $0.07\leq z\leq 2.36$ and its joint combination with the latest \textgravedbl joint light curves\textacutedbl (JLA) sample, comprised of 740 type Ia supernovae in the redshift range $z \epsilon [0.01, 1.30]$ to constrain the parameters of Bianchi type I dark energy model. We also use the same datasets to constrain flat $\Lambda$CDM Model. In both cases, we specifically address the expansion rate $H_{0}$ as well as the transition redshift $z_{t}$ determinations out of these measurements. In both Models we found that using joint combination of datasets gives rise to lower values for model parameters. Also to compare the considered cosmologies, we have made Akaike information criterion (AIC) and Bayes factor ($\Psi$) tests.

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