
Compensated isocurvature perturbations (CIPs) are modulations of the relative baryon and dark matter density that leave the total matter density constant. The best current constraints from the primary cosmic microwave background (CMB) are consistent with CIPs some two orders of magnitude larger in amplitude than adiabatic perturbations, suggesting that there may be a huge gap in our knowledge of the early Universe. However, it was recently suggested by Barreira~et.~al. that CIPs which are correlated with the primordial curvature perturbation, as arises in some versions of the curvaton model, lead to a new observable: scale dependent galaxy bias. Combining a galaxy survey with an unbiased tracer of the density field facilitates a measurement of the amplitude of correlated CIPs that is free from cosmic variance, the main limitation on constraints from the primary CMB. Among the most promising tracers to use for this purpose is the remote dipole field, reconstructed using the technique of kinetic Sunyaev Zel'dovich (kSZ) tomography. In this paper, we evaluate the detection significance on the amplitude of correlated CIPs possible with next-generation CMB and galaxy surveys using kSZ tomography. Our analysis includes all relativistic contributions to the observed galaxy number counts and allows for both CIPs and primordial non-Gaussianity, which also gives rise to a scale dependent galaxy bias. We find that kSZ tomography can probe CIPs of comparable amplitude to the adiabatic fluctuations, representing an improvement of over two orders of magnitude upon current constraints, and an order of magnitude over what will be possible using future CMB or galaxy surveys alone.

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