
There is a property of a quantum state called ``magic.'' As shown by the Gottesman-Knill theorem, so-called stabilizer states, which are composed of only Clifford gates, can be efficiently computed on a classical computer, and thus quantum computation gives no advantage. Nonstabilizer states are called magic states, which are necessary to achieve the universal quantum computation. Magic (monotone) is the measure of the amount of nonstabilizer resource, and it measures how difficult it is for a classical computer to simulate the state. We study magic of states in the integrable and chaotic regimes of the higher-spin generalization of the Ising model through two quantities: ``mana'' and ``robustness of magic'' (RoM). We find that in the chaotic regime, mana increases monotonically in time in the early-time region, and at late times these quantities oscillate around some nonzero value that increases linearly with respect to the system size. Our result also suggests that under chaotic dynamics, any state evolves to a state whose mana almost saturates the optimal upper bound; i.e., the state becomes ``maximally magical.'' We find that RoM also shows similar behaviors. On the other hand, in the integrable regime, mana and RoM behave periodically in time in contrast to the chaotic case. In addition to mana and RoM, for the early-time behavior of magic, we study the stabilizer R\'enyi entropy, which can be numerically computed for larger systems than mana and RoM. In the anti-de Sitter/conformal field theory correspondence, classical spacetime emerges from the chaotic nature of the dual quantum system. Our results suggest that magic of quantum states is strongly involved in the emergence of spacetime geometry.

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