
In this report, we give the Balitsky Fadin Kuraev Lipton formalism for jet gap jet events at hadronic colliders. We also discuss the case where in addition at least one proton is intact in the final state in diffractive events.


  • The second observable that was proposed to look for Balitsky Fadin Kuraev Lipatov (BFKL) resummation effects at hadronic colliders is the Mueller-Navelet jet production [5]

  • When the transverse momentum of the two jets is similar, the BFKL dynamics predicts a larger cross section than the Dokhitzer Gribov Lipatov Altarelli Parisi (DGLAP) one because of the kT ordering of the different gluons along the ladder as before [6, 7]

  • One possible observable is the measurement of dijet azimuthal decorrelation which is larger for BFKL dynamics because of the multiple gluon emission [6]

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Gap between jets at the Tevatron and the LHC

The measurement of gap between jets or the Mueller-Tang process [11] was performed at the Tevatron [12] and is being done at the LHC [13]. The idea is to look for two jets separated by a large interval in rapidity ∆η with a gap devoid of any activity or energy (no particle emission) in a central part of the detector ∆ηgap (for instance between (-1) and (1) in rapidity) This means that a colorless object, or a Pomeron, is emitted between the two jets. The prediction of the BFKL cross section to produce these events is not negligible whereas the DGLAP prediction is very small for gap sizes above two units in rapidity This is why this process is ideal to look for BFKL resummation effects. It suffers from potential additional interactions, such as soft gluon exchanges, that can destroy the gap between the jets. This is the so-called the survival probability that can be as low as 0.1 at Tevatron center-of-mass energy (about 2 TeV) and 0.03 at the LHC (about 14 TeV)

The NLL BFKL formalism and comparison with data
The NLL BFKL formalism including NLO impact factors
Jet gap jet events in diffraction
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