
In the ac field method of crack depth measurement by the Crack Microgauge, the area of the loop formed in the probe gives rise to an induced voltage, which can introduce errors into the depth measurement. In this paper, a method for measuring the probe area is given, and the quality of the probe is thereby characterized. The underlying theory was given previously, and it is applied here to the probe characterization problem. The probe area is determined by two voltage measurements taken on an artificial rectangular flaw machined in an arbitrary metal. By measurements on several such specimens with the same probe, it is confirmed that the area so obtained is a characteristic of the probe and is independent of the specimen material. Thereafter, measurements on various rectangular flaws with probes of different characteristic area were taken, and very good agreement between predicted and real depths was achieved. Both theory and experiments show that probe characterization is of particular importance when this method is used to measure surface crack depths in metals of low permeability such as aluminum.

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