
Hodgkin9s disease is not infrequently seen in man, but there have been few reports of cases in which it has been found to affect animals. McFadyean in 1903 reported four cases of the disease in dogs and one in a hog, and Hodgson in the same year reported one case in a hog. From the descriptions of the condition in these cases it is probable that they were not true Hodgkin9s disease but perhaps same variety of lymphoblastoma. MacMahon in 1934 reported the case of a dog which he considered had Hodgkin9s disease. This animal had a large, firm nodular swelling of the right cervical lymph nodes. Necropsy did not reveal any additional pathologic changes. Histologically MacMahon considered the tumor to have the characteristics of Hodgkin9s disease. Report of a Case A four-year-old male shepherd dog was brought to one of us (Schlotthauer) because of a gradual but progressive, symmetrical enlargement of the abdomen of one month9s duration. There had been associated anorexia with severe nausea and vomiting for one week prior to examination. The dog was thought by his owner to have an intestinal obstruction and repeated enemas had been given, without apparent benefit.

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