
Abstract Using the Wide Field Grism Spectrograph 2 (WFGS2), we carried out slit-less spectroscopy, $g'r'i'$ photometry, and slit spectroscopy on the L 1014 dense core. We detected three $\mathrm{H}\alpha$ emission-line stars. We interpret one as being a weak-line T Tauri star (WTTS) and the others as classical T Tauri stars (CTTS). Since their $g'-i'$ colors and/or classified spectral types are consistent with those of T Tauri stars and two of them show less extinction than the cloud, these three stars are likely to be T Tauri stars associated with L 1014. Adopting an age range for T Tauri stars, 1–10 Myr, the color–magnitude diagram suggests a distance of $\sim 400 \hbox{--} 900 \,\mathrm{pc}$, rather than the previously assumed distance, 200 pc. This could strongly affect the mass estimate of L 1014-IRS, which is thought to be either a very young protostar or proto-brown dwarf.

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