
Hirschsprung’s disease (HD) is a congenital disorder defined by the absence of ganglion cells in terminal rectum which is responsible for non specific symptomatology including chronic constipation which is usually not relieved with oral laxatives. In modern science, the treatment option is surgical removal of affected area followed by anastomosis but more post operative complications and lower quality of life are the major concerns while adopting surgical procedures. Hence the scope of Ayurvedic modalities in HD is to be explored. When we consider the pathology as Udavartha due to deranged Pakwasayagatha Vatha, the prime importance of Vasti can be analyzed. It is the Prakupitha Apana Vayu which leads to Udavartha. Children suffer from chronic accumulation of Mala due to Pratiloma Gati of Vayu which over time becomes hard and dried and may further result in infection. Hence the line of disease management requires Sodhana for the elimination of chronic stasis of Mala with simultaneous Brimhana and Rasayana action for gut brain nourishment and regeneration. Madhutailika Yapana Vasti which is mentioned in Ashtangahrudaya Kalpasidhi Sthana serves these purposes simultaneously. The present work aims at exploring the current knowledge on probable mode of action of Madutailika Yapana Vasti in Hirschsprung’s disease and to highlight the research gaps that we must overcome to further elucidate the vast action dimensions of Yapana Vasti in the same disease.

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