
The focus of this paper is on the investigation and the understanding of transition probability of charge at the metal/semiconductor interface depending on the calculation of the rate constant. For this system we can suppose two localized quantum vector states system with a conduction electron state vector l 〉 interacting with an acceptor state vector l 〉 of electron in band of metal with the interacting described by the coupling matrix element. Expression of rate constant of charge transfer for metal/semiconductor system derived upon the quantum model and perturbation theory for transition between l 〉 and I state when the coupling matrix element coefficient smaller than . The probability of the charge transfer rate constant for the metal/semiconductor interface in this context, is basically defined as a relatively to potential barrier between a metal and a semiconductor The probability of charge transfer rate constant evaluated with reorganization energy using a matlap program. Theoretical results obtained for our mode show that the probability of charge transfer is more probable with decreasing the reorganization energy.

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