
Diabetes mellitus disease is disease which abnormal metabolism for a long time, because pancreas can not be able to produce insulin hormone be enough, or because body can not be able to use insulin hormone has been produced by effective. A stroke occurs if the flow of oxygen-rich blood to a portion of the brain is blocked. Without oxygen, brain cells start to die after a few minutes. Sudden bleeding in the brain also can cause a stroke if it damages brain cells. These objectives are finding significant factors which cause diabetes mellitus disease and determine ordinal regression model. Ordinal regression model is used to look for probability and reliability functions of a patient has stroke disease. The method used to three link functions, that are logit link function, normit link function, and cloglog link function. Testing of homogeneity prediction result of link functions uses linear hypothesis test. Factors caused diabetes mellitus are body mass index, high density lipoprotein, and albuminuria. These factors cause to diabetes mellitus and stroke could be used to prevent diseases, in order to all persons are healthy and happy. The result that probability of a patient with macroalbuminuria has stroke greater than microalbuminuria and a patient with microalbuminuria has stroke greater than normal. Probability of patient with macroalbuminuria by logit, normit, and clogloc link functions is decrease, respectively. Probability of patient with microalbuminuria by logit, normit, and cloglog link functions is increase, respectively. Reliability of a patient with macroalbuminuria, normal, and microalbuminuria have stroke, respectively, is decrease. Reliability of patient with macroalbuminuria by logit, normit, and clogloc link functions, respectively, is increase. Reliability of patient with microalbuminuria by logit, normit, and clogloc link functions, respectively, is zero. All of link function methods yield estimation probability value is the same. AIC value of logit link function, normit link function, and cloglog link function are, respectively, 167.6826, 168.3965, and 169.6107. These results are same by the result of linear hypothesis analysis that AIC values are not different meanwhile their AIC values are not equal. Therefore, logit model, normit model and cloglog model could be used to predict probability with result almost same.

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