
A modified "Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged, and Safe" QuEChERS in combination with Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC-MS/MS) method was optimized for the determination of acrylamide content in different types of tah-dig (rice, bread, and potato). Also, the non-carcinogenic and carcinogenic risks (target hazard quotient (THQ) and incremental lifetime cancer risk (ILCR)) due to ingestion of acrylamide via tah-dig in the adults and children were assessed by Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) method. The recoveries of acrylamide at five concentration levels (n = 3) ranged from 83.82% to 106.41%. The repeatability of the proposed method was demonstrated with RSD% in the range of 11.3–20%. In addition, the limits of detection and quantification were reported as 5 ngg−1 and 15 ngg−1, respectively. The mean levels of the acrylamide contents in rice tah-dig, bread tah-dig, and potato tah-dig were measured as 24.65 ngg−1, 39.48 ngg−1, and 714.11 ngg−1, respectively. The highest acrylamide content was determined in potato tah-dig (2100 ngg−1) and the lowest acrylamide in rice tah-dig (≤LOQ). Based on the conducted risk assessment, the P (95%) of cumulative probability in the MCS method, the lowest and highest THQ was observed in the adults (ingestion bread tah-dig: 1.29E-2), and children (ingestion potato tah-dig: 1.90E+00), respectively. Additionally, the lowest and highest ILCR were reported in adults (ingestion bread tah-dig: 1.29E-5) and children (ingestion potato tah-dig: 7.49E-3), respectively. The rank order of type tah-dig based on THQ and ILCR for all groups of consumers was potato tah-dig > rice tah-dig > bread tah-dig. There is a considerable non-carcinogenic risk for the children due to ingestion potato tah-dig (THQ > 1). Additionally, the significant carcinogenic risk for the Iranian adults and children due to consumption of rice, bread, and potato tah-dig (ILCR > 1.00E-5) was observed.

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