
Integration of an energy storage system (ESS) into a distribution network not only affects the supply reliability of the customer, but also has distinct reliability implications and consequences to the utility. The reliability value associated with an ESS highly depends on the ownership, market, and regulatory structures. This paper presents a probabilistic framework to evaluate the reliability value of ESS to the distribution system considering aforementioned factors. In this regard, a new probabilistic reliability model of ESS is developed and integrated into a sequential Monte Carlo based simulation framework. The developed ESS model consists of the Markov-based component model and the mixed integer linear programming based formulation of operating strategies that incorporate different scenarios of ownership, market structures, and the ESS characteristics. The reliability/financial risk performance of the distribution system operator (DSO) with ESS under quality regulations are quantified. Furthermore, the developed ESS model is utilized to explore the prospect of investor-owned ESS providing supply recovery and distribution grid capacity services to the DSO. Case studies are conducted on a test distribution network to show the effectiveness of the proposed model. Finally, the paper presents discussions on important considerations for efficient utilization of ESS in active distribution systems.

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