
With the increasing diversity and complexity of tasks assigned to unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), the demands on task assignment and sequencing technologies have grown significantly, particularly for large UAV tasks such as multi-target reconnaissance area surveillance. While the current exhaustive methods offer thorough solutions, they encounter substantial challenges in addressing large-scale task assignments due to their extensive computational demands. Conversely, while heuristic algorithms are capable of delivering satisfactory solutions with limited computational resources, they frequently struggle with converging on locally optimal solutions and are characterized by low iteration rates. In response to these limitations, this paper presents a novel approach: the probabilistic chain-enhanced parallel genetic algorithm (PC-EPGA). The PC-EPGA combines probabilistic chains with genetic algorithms to significantly enhance the quality of solutions. In our approach, each UAV flight is considered a Dubins vehicle, incorporating kinematic constraints. In addition, it integrates parallel genetic algorithms to improve hardware performance and processing speed. In our study, we represent task points as chromosome nodes and construct probabilistic connection chains between these nodes. This structure is specifically designed to influence the genetic algorithm’s crossover and mutation processes by taking into account both the quantity of tasks assigned to UAVs and the associated costs of inter-task flights. In addition, we propose a fitness-based adaptive crossover operator to circumvent local optima more effectively. To optimize the parameters of the PC-EPGA, Bayesian networks are utilized, which improves the efficiency of the whole parameter search process. The experimental results show that compared to the traditional heuristic algorithms, the probabilistic chain algorithm significantly improves the quality of solutions and computational efficiency.

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