
Abstract The Pro-Milk method was compared to the official final action Udy method, 16.037-16.040, for 166 samples of raw milks from individual cows and to the official final action Kjeldahl method, 16.035, for 54 similar samples. Averages ± standard deviations of the differences were 0.019±0.017 and 0.027±0.109% protein for the 2 methods, respectively. Fat test or protein level of the samples did not affect the magnitude of the difference between the Pro-Milk and either of the other 2 methods. The Pro- Milk comparisons have also been made on samples of processed milks with similar results. A number of comparisons of the Pro-Milk method to other methods for protein in milk have been reported in the literature. The principles of the Pro-Milk method differ from the Udy method only in the type of dye used. Periodic calibration and routine control of the Pro-Milk method is required because of variability in assay of the Amido Black 10B dye.

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