
The fascinating world of Facebook commentary sections under the news portals are considered. There are headlines about politicians who can exercise power and about people that are rich and successful and could inspire awe. When we talk about the language of the politics we mostly consider and monitor the language of politician or language of the media/yellow press. However, there is a pool of reactions in the com-ment section where people sometimes anonymously, sometimes openly express their opinions on what we can call elites. Research method is based on discourse analysis of chosen Croatian media on Facebook in selected timeframe. The comment section is an interesting paradox of spoken language in written form. We can divide the users into few groups a) the supporters and fans; b) in opposition; c) those who are (trying to be) funny no matter the situation; d) drawing attention to the deprived to level the field e) asking “who cares” or “who are they anyway”. The main contribution of this text is a monitoring of the language/social place that is not explored that much especially when it comes to small language environment. The comment sections reflect not only language in use but also moods, wits, and problems of its users and it could be taken into consideration about how this part of society feels and talks about privileged.

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