
To compare demographic and social groups of patients, their satisfaction with services in public and private dental institutions. A random sample of 3000 Lithuanian residents was selected; 1801 participants answered a postal questionnaire. The response rate was 60.0%. Univariate analysis, chi(2) criterion, z-test, and multiple logistic regression were used to evaluate the association between institution type, demographic and social characteristics of the respondents. RESULTS. Less than half of Lithuanian residents (41.2%) visited public dental institutions, 35.9%--private, 25.9%--both. They preferred private dental sector due to better quality of service, public--due to closeness to residence or being the treatment place of acquaintances. Patients visiting public institutions required cheaper treatment, while patients visiting private institutions--qualitative, though more expensive, using modern technologies. The number of dental visits in the past year was lower in public institutions than in private ones. The majority of patients treated in public, private, and both institutions were satisfied with dental services. The least satisfied were visiting both institutions. More respondents with secondary and lower education used public services as compared to those with higher education. Urban population visited public institutions more often than rural population. Respondents with a monthly income of less than 500 Lt for one family member used public dental services more often than those receiving a higher income. Older patients visited public dental institutions more often than younger ones. CONCLUSIONS. More Lithuanian residents are treated in public dental institutions (up to 67.1%) than in private. Older, receiving lower income patients preferred public institutions. The majority of patients in public clinics as well as in private sector are satisfied with the service. Those who visited both types of institutions were least satisfied with dental services.


  • The number of dental visits in the past year was lower in public institutions than in private ones

  • The majority of patients treated in public, private, and both institutions were satisfied with dental services

  • More Lithuanian residents are treated in public dental institutions than in private

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Dvimatė duomenų analizė parodė reikšmingą priklausomybę tarp respondentų amžiaus, išsilavinimo, socialinės padėties, pajamų ir odontologinio gydymo įstaigos tipo (2 lentelė). Duomenų analizei pasitelkus logistinę regresiją (3 lentelė), nustatyta [2,3] karto didesnė tikimybė, jog respondentai, turintys vidurinį ar žemesnį išsilavinimą, pasirinks valstybinę odontologinio gydymo įstaigą, lyginant su turinčiais aukštąjį universitetinį išsilavinimą. Kad pacientai, turintys aukštąjį neuniversitetinį išsilavinimą, gydysis valstybiniame sektoriuje yra [1,66] karto didesnė nei pacientams, turintiems aukštąjį universitetinį išsilavinimą. Kad respondentai, gyvenantys miestuose, dažniau kreipėsi į valstybines odontologinio gydymo įstaigas nei gyvenantys miesteliuose bei kaimuose. Pavyzdžiui, tikimybė, kad 65 metų ir vyresni gyventojai lankysis valstybinėje įstaigoje, yra beveik du kartus didesnė nei 35 metų ir jaunesni respondentai. Pasirinktos odontologinio gydymo įstaigos tipo ir respondentų demografinių, socialinių charakteristikų ryšys

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