
Private Dancer Sherri Wright (bio) I want a black leather miniskirtlike the one Tina Turner worewhen she sang “Private Dancer” in 1979.I want that pelt to fit like therind of an orange over the curve of my hips,I want it to twist and talkwith every move. I want to yankthat skirt over a little tank topfringed in sequins and beads that shiverand shimmer with every exhale. I want todance long bronze legs into mydaughter’s classroom, rock past the hippie teacher,and roll right up to her smarty friend who livesin the big house on the lake—that girlwho walked into my bathroom,helped herself to my lipstick and polish,and was amazed that my daughter and Icooked dinner, set a table, and sat down to eat.With my little mini, I will shimmyinto the office of the counselor who wrote“broken home” into my third grader’spermanent file. I will close the doorswivel my hips onto his desk, look himin the eye, I will teach him what a “divorcée” looks like,any music will do. [End Page 22] Sherri Wright Sherri Wright practices yoga, runs, works out, and volunteers at a center for homeless people, all of which figure into her writing. Her poems have been published in a variety of journals. She is active in the Rehoboth Beach Writers’ Guild. Copyright © 2019 University of Nebraska Press

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