
In this paper, we review the problem of private batch equality test (PriBET) that was proposed by Saha and Koshiba (3rd APWConCSE 2016). They described this problem to find the equality of an integer within a set of integers between two parties who do not want to reveal their information if they do not equal. For this purpose, they proposed the PriBET protocol along with a packing method using the binary encoding of data. Their protocol was secured by using ring-LWE based somewhat homomorphic encryption (SwHE) in the semi-honest model. But this protocol is not fast enough to address the big data problem in some practical applications. To solve this problem, we propose a base-N fixed length encoding based PriBET protocol using SwHE in the same semi-honest model. Here we did our experiments for finding the equalities of 8–64-bit integers. Furthermore, our experiments show that our protocol is able to evaluate more than one million (resp. 862 thousand) of equality comparisons per minute for 8-bit (resp. 16-bit) integers with an encoding size of base 256 (resp. 65536). Besides, our protocol works more than 8–20 in magnitude than that of Saha and Koshiba.

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