
Although Connected Vehicles (CVs) have demonstrated tremendous potential to enhance traffic operations, they can impose privacy risks on individual travelers, e.g., leaking sensitive information about their frequently visited places, routing behavior, etc. Despite the large body of literature that devises various algorithms to exploit CV information, research on privacy-preserving traffic control is still in its infancy. In this paper, we aim to fill this research gap and propose a privacy-preserving adaptive traffic signal control method using partially connected vehicle data. Specifically, we proposed a privacy-preserving mechanism to protect CV data against three types of attacks: CV collusion attacks, database attacks, and inference attacks. The mechanism leverages secure Multi-Party Computation and differential privacy to aggregate individual-level CV data to calculate key traffic parameters without compromising the privacy of CV users. For seamless integration with the privacy-preserving mechanism, we develop a traffic signal optimization model and an arrival rate estimator relying only on aggregated CV data, being applied to both undersaturated and oversaturated traffic conditions. The optimization model is further extended to a stochastic programming problem to explicitly handle the noises added by the privacy-preserving mechanism. Evaluation results show that the linear optimization model preserves privacy with a marginal impact on control performance, and the stochastic programming model can significantly reduce residual queues compared to the linear programming model, with almost no increase in vehicle delay. Overall, our methods demonstrate the feasibility of incorporating privacy-preserving mechanisms in CV-based traffic modeling and control, which guarantees both utility and privacy.

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