
Undeniably, the evolution of technology, the advancement of the Internet and the constitution of cyberspace lacks a legal, normative, sociological, cultural and even psychological analysis. With the evolution of Internet resources, it is inevitable reflection as inputs contributing to the culture, and democratization of information access, valuing diversity and the process of digital inclusion. However, it is also essential to think about the legal problems arising from the widespread use of the Internet. Thus, the critical study surrounding the issue of the right to privacy and personal data protection is relevant to the legal environment, especially when it is a reflection of regulatory statute for cyberspace, meeting with the premises of Internet, which require no regular adjustment.Brazilian researchers have been studies dealing with the effects of the Internet on consumer law institutes and the need for regulation of the Internet in criminal matters, for purposes of proper treatment of cybercrimes. Without disparaging the mentioned approaches, in Brazil there is a shortage of studies analyzing the right to privacy and personal data protection in a context termed as the era of the cult of the amateur and the cult of the social, in which users themselves are induced or seduced, to exhibitionism exacerbated, with the resignation of privacy and providing personal data so valuable that outweigh the supply of services on the Internet for free. Thus, the confrontation between technological developments, and the right regulatory frameworks for cyberspace is inevitable for a better understanding of the information society, or of the network society. The research aims at analyzing the prospects in the global context and the Brazilian real need for the establishment of regulatory statue for the governance of cyberspace, and specifically examine how and to what extent such regulatory instruments are able to ensure the legal protection of right to privacy and inviolability of personal data. So, the question is inevitable: is it possible the establishment of regulatory statues for the governance of cyberspace in Brazil as a way to ensure the legal protection of the right to privacy and inviolability of personal data? Whereas the proposed research object, which aligns with a constructivist approach to uncovering the problem, formulates the following main hypothesis: Brazil will follow the guidelines of global governance of cyberspace that guide the construction of local and regulatory statues that meet the cultural and sociological States. Therefore, it is essential to consider the construction of a normative model of governance of cyberspace must satisfy the assumptions built Web without paradigmatic ruptures occur with architecture adopted with its constitution and constant adaptation that culminated in the formation of cyberculture and cyberspace. The research develops the method of critical mapping analysis, checking the possibilities of establishing regulatory statues for the governance of cyberspace in Brazil whose scope ensure the legal protection of the right to privacy and inviolability of personal data. The research aims to: (i) observe and map the different proposals for governance of cyberspace in the Brazilian context, (ii) analyze the different proposals instruments proposed to ensure the legal protection of the right to privacy and inviolability of personal data in Brazil (iii) To contextualize the relationship between cyberspace and cyberculture about historical, cultural, social and legal recent phenomena (iv) Contain the dimensions of violations of the right to privacy and data protection for method development and mapping of critical on the observations and analyzes.

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