
Existing secure and privacy-preserving schemes for vehicular communications in vehicular ad hoc networks face some challenges, e.g., reducing the dependence on ideal tamper-proof devices, building efficient member revocation mechanisms and avoiding computation and communication bottlenecks. To cope with those challenges, we propose a highly efficient secure and privacy-preserving scheme based on identity-based aggregate signatures. Our scheme enables hierarchical aggregation and batch verification. The individual identity-based signatures generated by different vehicles can be aggregated and verified in a batch. The aggregated signatures can be re-aggregated by a message collector (e.g., traffic management authority). With our hierarchical aggregation technique, we significantly reduce the transmission/storage overhead of the vehicles and other parties. Furthermore, existing batch verification based schemes in vehicular ad hoc networks require vehicles to wait for enough messages to perform a batch verification. In contrast, we assume that vehicles will generate messages (and the corresponding signatures) in certain time spans, so that vehicles only need to wait for a very short period before they can start the batch verification procedure. Simulation shows that a vehicle can verify the received messages with very low latency and fast response.

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