
Spectrum auction is deemed as an efficient approach for redistributing spectrum and realizing dynamic spectrum access. Though there have been extensive research endeavors in designing spectrum auctions that are truthful with desirable social welfare, security and privacy concerns give rise to new challenges and calls for the design of privacy- preserving spectrum auction mechanisms. In this article, we begin with an overview of conventional spectrum auction mechanisms, then discuss the potential security threats in them. In particular, bidders' private information, for example, bid values and geo-locations, are submitted to the non-trustworthy auctioneer and can be observed by rival bidders who may leverage this information to rig the auction. To address this problem, we outline the framework for privacy-preserving auction mechanism design, which applies cryptographic tools to the original auction and ensures that the private information of bidders is protected, while the basic functionalities of the auction are maintained. Based on the proposed framework, we further construct a privacy-preserving heterogeneous spectrum double auction, which is shown to uphold the closely similar allocation efficiency with the original auction, and realizes privacy preservation with moderate communication and computation overheads.

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