
The requirement of a person to be available during the authentication made the biometric authentication to be used in abundant applications over password or token-based authentication systems. Privacy and security are two major concerns still to be addressed in biometric authentication system. In the last couple of years, researchers used the homomorphic encryption (HE) to propose the privacy-preserving biometric authentication systems which overcomes the limitations of cancelable biometrics and biometric cryptosystems. But these methods fail to achieve overall performance and security measures. To handle this, we introduce a privacy-preserving Bimodal authentication system (PPBA) utilizing Fan-Vercauteren scheme. An optimized method is proposed to compute the hamming distance between the encrypted templates that helps to carry out the computation without disclosing the user sensitive data. PPBA is tested on publicly available databases to analyze its efficiency. PPBA satisfies the diversity, irreversibility, revocability properties and also achieves decent performance.

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