
Big Data has revolutionized the process of online activities such as marketing and advertisement based on individual preferences in the eCommerce industry. In Malaysia, the integration of Big Data in the commercial and business environment is keenly felt by establishing the National Big Data Analytics Framework catalyzing further economic growth in all sectors. However, the distinct features of Big Data spawn issues relating to privacy, such as data profiling, lack of transparency regarding privacy policies, accidental disclosures of data, false data or false analytics results. Hence, this research provides an insight into the intersection between Big Data and an individual's fundamental rights. The trade-off between privacy breaching and preserving is becoming more intense due to the rapid advancement of Big Data. Suggesting comparative analysis method as the data analysis approach, the adequacy of the Malaysian Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (PDPA 2010) in governing the risks of Big Data is evaluated against the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in managing the risk arising from the integration of Big Data. This research is hoped to initiate the improvement to the legislative framework, provides fundamentals to the formulation of national policy, and creation of specific law on Big Data in Malaysia, which will subsequently benefit industrial players and stakeholders.

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