
With the advent of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), every aspects of human life have been heavily dependent to the information systems, electronic tools, and networks. The use of information technology eased daily life and the business. The information technology is advancing day by day. New technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Internet of Things and other similar technologies have more serious interventions into human life than ever. These technologies are facilitating real-time communications and information sharing and thereby enhancing the enjoyment of the democratic practices and developments. At the same time, new threats and vulnerabilities have also emerged in the use of these technologies. One of major issue emerged by the intervention of the information technology is privacy of the individual. The information technology is contributing on development and collection of more digital data about individuals then ever. Data automation, collections of data from various public services like e-commerce, e-governance, extraction of the individual data through surveillance and interceptions of private communications are major issues that are threatening the privacy in digital age. To address these treats and vulnerabilities in privacy, it is important to develop a better cyber policy.

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