
The theme of the relationship between one and many, translated into the realm of ecclesiology, encompasses a broad spectrum of ques- tions, including the issue of the catholicity of the Church, the question of church unity, issue of primacy and collegiality, the relationship of one and many Churches, etc. As such, this question not only represents an intra-Orthodox concern but also stands as one of the greatest con- temporary challenges in ecumenical dialogue. In order to grasp the es- sence of this issue, it is useful to get an insight into Metropolitan John Zizioulas’ theological perspectives on the link between one and many. This study initially investigates the philosophical elements of this prob- lem, with further discussion on its theological and ecclesiological con- sequences, in accordance with the Metropolitan method. It is notable that the Metropolitan bases his views on the principle of Trinitarian theology and Christology linked to Pneumatology, a connection fur- ther affirmed by the Eucharistic nature of ecclesiology. Thus, the Eucha- rist becomes the hermeneutical key for comprehending this question. Starting from these foundations, the metropolitan, in understanding the relationship between one and many, comes to talk about the catho- licity of the Church, as well as about the relationship between primacy and collegiality, church unity, etc. Finally, the manifestation of unity in God hic et nunc will be highlighted as the main reason for the Met- ropolitan’s insistence on examining this question through the prism of Eucharistic ecclesiology.

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