
The article discusses the issues of ensuring information, digital, and cybersecurity, which is an urgent, strategic task at both the national and international levels. It is established that in the current conditions of the global crisis and geopolitical changes, new approaches to the legal regulation of information security are needed. An urgent problem has been identified not only at the national, but also at the international level. In this regard, it requires the identification of new external and internal threats in the information sphere, as well as the study and forecasting of prospects for the development of international regulation of information security. The conducted research allowed us to conclude that in the conditions of digital transformation, it is necessary to work out and strengthen scientific and legal positions regarding the development of legal support for information security. In the course of the research, the author concluded that at the present stage of development of society and the state, among the most urgent threats to national information security due to the dynamism of the information sphere, it is possible to single out such threats as illegal impact on national information resources, information and telecommunication systems and information infrastructure, including critical information structures; the use of means and methods of spreading false (fake) information for the purpose of disinformation of an indefinite circle of people using illegal methods and means, including cognitive methods of influencing the human psyche in order to disorganize and suppress the will; unauthorized interference in the national information space.

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