
Introduction. The development of classification and methods for ranking indicators characterizing the state of health of the population is an important direction of development of social and hygienic monitoring in the Russian Federation. Materials and methods. Analytical, statistical and computational research methods were applied. Statistical materials of the Central Directorate of Health of Russian Railways “Indicators of the health status of employees of Russian Railways, non-working pensioners and the attached territorial population for 2015-2019 were used. The statistical materials of the Department of Monitoring, Analysis and Strategic Development of Health of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Central Research Institute for the Organization and Informatization of Health” of the Ministry of Health of Russia “Incidence of Adult Population of Russia” for 2015-2019 were also used. In total, more than 115 thousand indicators were analyzed by 18 classes of nosological forms for the five-year period 2015-2019. Results. The method of scoring priority classes of the primary morbidity of the population according to the criterion of changing the rate of incidence (quantitative criterion) over a time period, as well as according to the criterion of incidence levels compared to indicators in the country, has been developed. The method of scoring was tested on the primary incidence indicators of the attached contingent of Russian Railways compared to the indicators in the country. In the course of social management hygienic monitoring by priority classes of diseases was determined to attach the contingent of OJSC “Russian Railways” are diseases of the ear and mastoid process, diseases of the eye and its appendage apparatus, respiratory diseases. Limitations. During the scoring of priority nosologies of the primary incidence of railway transport workers and their families, more than 115 thousand indicators were analyzed for 18 classes of nosological forms for the five-year period 2015-2019, which is a sufficient reference sample. We did not analyzed the incidence of the children population attached to the medical organizations of Russian Railways; there was no analysis of incidence depending on sex; the reasons for the higher incidence of employees of Russian Railways and their families compared to the population of the Russian Federation for individual nosologies have not been identified. These criteria were not included in the tasks of this study and may be the subject of future researches. Conclusions. The developed method of scoring priority classes of primary morbidity of the population, tested on the example of railway transport workers and their families, can be used as one of the methods of classification and ranking of indicators characterizing the state of health of the population.

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