
Cloud Computing plays a momentous role for the speedy computation and provides resources to the user on-demand. The conventional single cloud has assorted number of confrontations and they are named as vendor lock-in, resource un-availability, latency, etc. To resolve these conflicts, multi cloud computing is utilized to provide heterogeneous services to the cloud users on demand. Task scheduling is a mechanism used to assign user requests to the cloud server. The proposed PIMTSA algorithm works well for the independent batch of tasks in the static environment. The algorithm is constituted to miniaturize the makespan of the multi cloud systems. It is designed for the batch mode offline multi cloud systems. The priority based approach works to cater the needs of the cloud user. High priority and low priority tasks are the two different priority levels defined by the user. High priority tasks are given more importance and are executed in the high speed VM with minimum completion time. But, the High priority tasks with maximum execution time are given more priority. After the execution of the high priority tasks, the low priority tasks with minimum execution time are allocated to VMs with minimum completion time in the clouds. This algorithm provides a high reliable and scalable computing service to the user with minimum time. In future this work can be extended for dynamic multi cloud environment.

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