
The article attempts to consider the nature of the formation of priority areas of scientific activity and spiritual formation in the «Odesa» period of the life of the religious thinker, theologian, philosopher, historian, Orthodox priest, activist of the ecumenical movement and one of the founders of the World Council of Churches. His name is H. V. Florovsky. On the basis of previously not introduced into scientific circulation historical sources located in the State Archive of the Odesa Region, Princeton University Library and a layer of published sources and scientific literature, many new facts of the biography were discovered and inaccuracies and incorrect data regarding the main events of the scientist’s life were eliminated. Both general scientific (analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction) and special historical methods became the main methods of researching the life and intellectual work of H. V. Florovsky. The historical-genetic method made it possible to recreate the creative portrait of the scientist within the chronological framework of the period under study. The historical-comparative method was used to highlight what was new, which the scientist brought to the study of humanitarian fields of knowledge. Chronological, historical-biographical methods, techniques of historiographical and source analysis were also used. The essence and role of the main components of the scientist’s personality, which later determined the success of his professional activity, were revealed. It has been proven that the family played a significant role in the formation of H. V. Florovsky’s personality. The main milestones of life and spiritual formation are presented through the prism of his studies, work and scientific activity at the Imperial Novorossiysk University. The importance of the obtained results lies in the fact that, on the basis of archival material and scientific literature, the formation of scientific priorities and scientific and pedagogical experience of a scientist, a component of ensuring the relationship of traditions and innovations in the development of humanitarian knowledge, are analyzed. It has been established that the defining topic in the comprehensive study of the «Odesa» period of H. V. Florovsky should be the further research of the scientist’s creativity against the background of the specific circumstances of his biography.

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