
This article substantiates the priority directions of innovative and technological development of the agroindustrial complex of Kazakhstan at the present stage. Like the national innovation system of Kazakhstan as a whole, the scientific and innovative infrastructure of the country's agro-industrial complex, including agriculture, demonstrates a low ability to develop a critical mass of high-tech innovative technologies developed by domestic scientists and introduced into production. The current situation is aggravated by the low financial and investment potential of farmers ' entrepreneurs and the lack of an effective system for developing and distributing in-demand innovative knowledge and technology among agricultural producers, as is widely used in world practice. To solve these problems, the authors conducted a theoretical study of the possibilities of using the mechanism of public-private partnership and developing the activities of centers for the dissemination of innovative knowledge. In accordance with the best international practice, these measures are the main directions for increasing the scientific and innovative potential of entrepreneurs and farmers in Kazakhstan. Based on the analysis of international experience in applying the main forms of public-private partnership in the scientific and innovative sphere of the agro-industrial complex, priority measures are proposed to enhance the participation of institutional investors in long-term financing of hightech projects in agriculture. In conclusion, recommendations for further improving the scientific and innovative potential of agricultural producers in the country, including measures of state and institutional support for innovation processes, as well as mechanisms for creating a network for the dissemination of innovative knowledge among farmers are presented.


  • Like the national innovation system of Kazakhstan as a whole, the scientific and innovative infrastructure of the country's agro-industrial complex, including agriculture, demonstrates a low ability to develop a critical mass of high-tech innovative technologies developed by domestic scientists and introduced into production

  • The authors conducted a theoretical study of the possibilities of using the mechanism of public-private partnership and developing the activities of centers for the dissemination of innovative knowledge

  • Based on the analysis of international experience in applying the main forms of public-private partnership in the scientific and innovative sphere of the agro-industrial complex, priority measures are proposed to enhance the participation of institutional investors in long-term financing of hightech projects in agriculture

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Как и в целом национальная инновационная сис­ тема Казахстана, научно-инновационная инфраструктура агропромышленного комплекса страны, включая сельское хозяйство, демонстрирует низкую способность выработать критическую массу разработанных оте­ чественными учеными и внедренными в производство наукоемких инновационных технологий. Для решения данных проблем авторами проведено теоретическое обоснование возможностей применения механизма государственно-частного партнерства и развития деятельности центров распространения инновационных знаний. На основе анализа международного опыта применения основных форм государственно-частного партнерства в научно-инновационной сфере агропромышленного комплекса предложены первоочередные меры по активизации участия институциональных инвесторов в долгосрочном финансировании наукоемких проектов в сельском хозяйстве.

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