
The article is devoted to the research of priority directions and ways of implementation of systematic foundations of humanitarian policy of Ukraine. The authors point out that the national security policy in the humanitarian sphere in Ukraine is based on a rather sound and developed scientific-theoretical, ideological and methodological base. The legal framework of such a policy in Ukraine is somewhat outdated, but it allows most of the functions of the state to protect national interests, preserve social guarantees of humanitarian infrastructure, interethnic and religious peace, assert national identity and educate patriotism, which are top priority. in Ukraine. At the same time, at the regulatory level, the humanitarian component of security policy in Ukraine does not yet have a clearly defined subject, it contains various aspects of state policy concerning, in particular, related spheres of social, environmental, information security, which complicates the methodological and administrative and organizational support for its effective implementation. The task of the state is to establish clear rules and principles that society as a whole will consider fair and will be ready to adhere to. In most issues of identity politics, this set of rules is already outlined. It is problematic to reduce humanitarian expenditures due to the proliferation of tax evasion in the private sector, corruption in the public sector, recurrent economic crises, and the effects of socio-political instability and external aggression. Considering these circumstances and factors forces us to reconsider some of the approaches and norms on humanitarian security of citizens that the Ukrainian state can and must now guarantee. It is concluded that the key task of improving the effectiveness of humanitarian security policy in Ukraine is to build a coherent system of interaction of the main subjects of such policy on a single methodological basis, common goals and principles of operation, agreed procedures, creative complementarily and ability to respond flexibly to changes in the environment.

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