
This research identifies the priority of regional development programs that will be used to assist decision makers in determining the priorities of regional development programs so that they are in accordance with the targets and recommendations to be achieved so that they do not cause development gaps and are in accordance with the stability of national development. The Decision Making Groups (DM) involved in prioritizing regional development programs are the Community, Social Institutions, Government Agencies, Regional Governments, and Universities. This study uses the GDSS framework with the AHP, Electre and Aras modified methods to determine the priority ranking of regional development programs. This study uses a combination of Modified AHP, Electre and Aras methods were used in this study. The group decision-making model built in this study is a modification of the AHP, Electre and Aras methods which are integrated to determine regional development priorities in Indonesia. The new hybrid model produced in this study is used to determine priority regional development programs that can improve the existing GDSS model. The problems discussed in the research relate to group decision making that will be used to determine priority regional development programs involving several DMs. To overcome the GDSS problem in determining the priority of regional development programs and other cases involving several DMs, a modified model of the AHP, Electre and Aras methods can be used. The new model produced in this study will improve the previous GDSS model.

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