
This study was designed in order to generate a priority list of dentistperceived important ethical issues in dental practice in Iran. A two-stage modified nominal group study was conducted. At first, the main ques tion of the study was presented to 24 dental specialists through direct interview (16) or e-mail (8, response rate was 75%). After analyzing the interview transcripts and email responses, a list of issues was extracted. The list was presented to a nominal group of 10 dental specialists to prioritize ethical issues according to their frequency and ethical signifi cance. Each participant selected and ranked the five most important is sues and then, the sum of ranks for each issue was calculated. The first stage of the study resulted in a list of 26 ethical issues. After grouping and combining related items, the list was condensed into 18 issues. The nominal group session resulted in a prioritised list. The first six issues of the list included: performing procedures without adequate competency, not taking responsibility for one’s errors, over-treatment (or unnecessary treatment), inappropriate manners towards patients, unprofessional discussion of a colleague’s work, and unprincipled behaviors towards disadvantaged patients. Conclusions: The results suggest that the problems occurring in the therapeutic relationship between dentists and their patients are the major ethical issues of dentistry in Iran. Issues such as respecting patient’s autonomy, confidentiality, taking informed consent, third-party issues, and dentists’ duties toward society don’t seem to be considered of high priority by dentists in Iran as a developing country.

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