
Credit cooperation closely links the small forms of farming with financial market of the country and offers investors a new sphere of their capital application f. Shown importance high level of crediting limits new borrowings for updating funds and replenishment of circulating assets, especially during the period of preparation for spring field work and harvesting company. The mechanism of agricultural credit consumer cooperation functioning has been worked out as priority direction of agro-industrial complex development. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2014.v5n18p215


  • Priorities of Agricultural Credit Cooperation DevelopmentKazan State Agrarian University, 420015, Russian Federation, Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, Karl Marks street, 65

  • By the results of 2013 the volume of gross agricultural production in the Republic of Tatarstan totaled to 160.6 billion rubles, with the index of production equal to 97.8%

  • In 2013 private households of citizens and peasant farms received 16,700 preferential loans worth 4.5 billion rubles. 116.7 thousand loans of 26.9 billion rubles were received totally for the years 2006-2013 by small forms of farming. 2.2 billion rubles was returned to population in grants for interest paid on loans (356.7 m in 2013)

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Priorities of Agricultural Credit Cooperation Development

Kazan State Agrarian University, 420015, Russian Federation, Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, Karl Marks street, 65. Credit cooperation closely links the small forms of farming with financial market of the country and offers investors a new sphere of their capital application f. Shown importance high level of crediting limits new borrowings for updating funds and replenishment of circulating assets, especially during the period of preparation for spring field work and harvesting company. The mechanism of agricultural credit consumer cooperation functioning has been worked out as priority direction of agroindustrial complex development.

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