
A challenge for implementing DOHaD-defined health promotion is how to engage the at-risk population. The WHO Health Promoting School (HPS) model has proven success engaging youth and improving health behaviors. Hence, we introduced DOHaD concepts to 151 pupils aged 12-15 years in three HPS programs in rural Uganda, inquired what factors would make DOHaD-related health promotion resonate with them, and discussed how they recommended making learning about DOHaD acceptable to youth. Economic factors were judged the most compelling; with nutrition and responsive care elements next in importance. Suggested approaches included: teach how good health is beneficial, what works and why, and give tools to use to achieve it, and make information positive rather than linked to later harm. Involve youth in making DOHaD learning happen, make being a parent sound interesting, and include issues meaningful to boys. These are the first data from youth charged with addressing their engagement in the DOHaD agenda.

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