
The incidence, mortality, and survival rates of melanoma vary significantly across Europe, likely related to persistent inequalities between European countries in the areas of skin cancer early detection, case registration, and prevention. To enhance the planning of prevention strategies for skin cancer in Europe, we solicited the direct opinion of European experts in the field of dermato-oncology on the main obstacles, needs, and priorities for the reduction of the skin cancer burden on this continent. We surveyed European dermatologists with leading positions in European and international organizations active in skin cancer prevention by means of written, single-choice and multiple-choice questionnaires. Fifty-two dermatologists from 32 European countries completed the survey (response rate 80%). Fewer respondents in Eastern Europe compared with Western Europe reported the presence of governmental (12 vs. 46%) or nongovernmental (35 vs. 65%) initiatives for skin cancer prevention. Most respondents in Eastern (73%) and Western Europe (69%) reported the existence of national cancer registries, but the confidence in the accuracy of melanoma registration was low. Public and professional education for early detection were top priorities for skin cancer campaigns across Europe and the perceived obstacles were similar in both regions: the lack of a national program of public education, insufficient public authority initiatives, and insufficient training of physicians on skin cancer. Our survey highlighted several areas requiring intervention for skin cancer prevention and found that the main issues and obstacles appear to be similar across Europe, creating the premise for coordinated, pan-European action.

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