
Spa treatment plays an important role in the recovery process of both adult and pediatric patients after a coronavirus infection. Currently, medical rehabilitation programs of this stage are being worked out and, as the accumulated data show, an integrated approach with the inclusion of various methods is more effective. Sanatorium-resort care for patients who have undergone COVID-19 is provided on a planned basis and is based on the principles of phasing, continuity and continuity between medical organizations. Treatment of patients with the consequences of a coronavirus infection in sanatorium conditions is carried out in the late recovery period at the III stage of rehabilitation care. The main advantage of spa treatment is the use of natural therapeutic factors: climate, landscape, balneo- and peloidotherapy. An important part of the comprehensive treatment program is the methods of physical rehabilitation, which should be selected individually, taking into account the functional reserves and patient tolerance. Also, the program of spa treatment includes diet therapy, according to indications, hardware physiotherapy, psychotherapy.

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