
Background: Evaluation of drug action is a complex, expensive procedure that usually takes several years and is performed on a large group of subjects. However, as a result, this does not exclude the possibility that at the individual level, the positive effect of the drug will be minimal, and the side effects will be very large. A study on the example of the action of insulin in diabetes is devoted to the creation of a system of metrological assessment of the action of a drug at an individual level, including an assessment of its effectiveness, risks, optimal dose and time of administration. Methods: In the clinic of endocrinology, Akabane tests were performed on 225 patients, including 120 women and 105 men with type 1 and type 2 diabetes (T1D and T2D) at different times after injecting various doses of insulin for short and longactions, including in the dynamics of observation. Results: During the monitoring of patients with diabetes, it was found that under the influence of diabetes and various other diseases, asymmetry occurs in the indicators of certain acupuncture channels, and the optimal individually effective drug leads to the restoration of their symmetry. Based on this principle, it is proposed to evaluate the effect of a drug at an individual level through the coefficients of asymmetry and adhesion, which makes it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of a drug on new physical principles. Conclusion: The use of the proposed system allows for a quantitative cumulative assessment of both positive and negative effects of a medicine on various organs and systems at an individual level. Such an assessment can be carried out after 2-3 doses, assess the overall effectiveness of the drug; select its optimal dose and time of administration. This principle also allows you to create a family of specialized miniature devices for these purposes.

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