
In this first of a projected two volume work, Dr. Collins has written comprehensively on the principles of anesthesia. He presents 74 chapters grouped into sections covering fundamental practices, regional anesthesia, and physiologic and pharmacologic considerations. second volume, to be called The Practice of Anesthesiology, will cover material concerning what to do and when to do it. outstanding attribute of the book is the excellent illustrations. Selecting from other books, papers, and scientific exhibits, Dr. Collins presents a remarkable collection. Among the better chapters in the book are those dealing with the uptake and distribution of anesthetic gases, fundamental physics, nerve blocks, and physiological considerations. A fundamental fault is the lack of editing. I found multiple errors in spelling, punctuation, decimal point placement, and numerals. Sentences are frequently repeated, some are out of context; sometimes entire paragraphs are out of place. While some errors are obvious and therefore

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