
The concrete object of the investigation is the alignment of the high-power 12-channel “Del'fin” neodymium-glass laser facility. The objects of the alignment are the optical channel of the laser installation, the system for pointing and focusing the laser radiation on the target, the system for positioning the target in the focal volume, and the system for monitoring the optical quality of the elements of the laser installation and laser beams and also the conditions of the target irradiation in the vacuum chamber. The list of requirements that must be satisfied by the alignment beams, the possible sources of alignment beams, the makeup of the apparatus, and the methods of aligning the laser facility are considered. The principles and the actual systems of automatic alignment of the optical elements are described, as are the operating models of the automatized units. The problem of simulating the working laser beams by the alignment beams and the possibility of automatizing the control of the spatial and angular characteristics of the laser radiation are discussed. The system for controlling the alignment processes by means of a laser is considered, as is also a scheme for incorporating the automatized alignment subsystem in the overall system for the automation of the “Del'fln” facility.

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